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What's It All About?

In the digital world we live in, I feel like authenticity is dying!

Everything we digest online just doesn’t feel natural to me, It feels forced, fake, a sale or just total utter 💩

It’s almost like we live in a world now where people only want to show certain parts of who they are, they want to create an online version of themselves which is actually far from the reality of who they are, I’ve fallen into this trap, I did that a lot,

In my search of trying to understand why I did that, I found myself craving authenticity and really hating the online personas that are created so I’ve developed a thirst for channelling this authenticity and I guess…. this is where it will go.

I figured, I’m just going to navigate life and document the process, maybe it will be interest to read/watch it all back one day, maybe someone else out there might find it interesting too.

Come a long for the ride as I vlog (and blog) my way through life and overshare with anyone who stumbles across my content everything that goes on in between.

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